Profile created by | SelfProfile No - SH006875465
- Age: 34yrs.
- Height: 5ft 7inc - 170cms
- Marital Status: Single
- Citizenship: Tell you later
- Income: Not mentioned
- Language: Hindi, Punjabi
- Religion Hindu
- Cast: Punjabi
- Location: , Uttar Pradesh, India
- Life Style: Will tell you later
- Culture: Punjabi
- Education: Masters
- Occupation:Business Owner
- Contact #: Visible to Paid member
"Hello! I am someone who enjoys a good game of cricket, whether it�s on the field with friends or watching a match on TV. Music is my constant panion, whether I am relaxing or staying productive. I am passionate about my business and dedicated to its growth, but I also believe in finding balance by spending quality time with loved ones. I am caring, loving, and always looking for ways to bring happiness and support to those I care about. Looking for a partner who shares my values and interests, and is ready to build a meaningful, loving relationship together."
Drink socially
Do not smoke
Fair, Average
Hindu Punjabi,
Hindi, Punjabi
Uttar Pradesh
Business Owner
Not mentioned
Upper Middle Class
With My Family
No | No
1 | 0
None | None
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