Profile created by |Profile No - SH006868299
- Age: 27yrs.
- Height: 5ft 5inc - 165cms
- Marital Status: Single
- Citizenship: Tell you later
- Income: will tell you later
- Language:
- Religion Hindu
- Cast: Bramhan Bhumihar
- Location: , Bihar, India
- Life Style:
- Culture: North Indian
- Education: Bachelors
- Occupation:Engineer
- Contact #: Visible to Paid member
I am someone who finds joy in travelling nd exploring new places, I cherish spending times with loved ones and creating memories that strengthen our bond. My life is a blend of adventure and togetherness, always seeking balance between discovery and the warmth of home. Someone special that I can depend on and someone that can rely on me.I Like these activities: Reading books, Film/movies, Dining out, Travel, Cooking, Shopping. I hope to hear from you soon. Your messages will be replied to. Take care
Do not drink
Do not smoke
Fair, Athletic
Hindu Bramhan Bhumihar,
will tell you later
Family Status
Upper Middle Class
Upper Middle Class
I live with
With My Family
With My Family
Father|Mother alive?
Brothers|Sisters :
Married Brothers|Sisters
None | None
None | None
Language Matrimonials
- Hindi Matrimony
- Urdu Matrimony
- Bengali Matrimony
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Religion Matrimonials
- Hindu Matrimony
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- Buddhist Matrimony
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States Matrimonials
- California Matrimony
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