Profile created by | SelfMatrimony ID - SH004294429
- Age: 46yrs.
- Height: 5ft 5inc - 165cms
- Marital Status: Divorced
- Language: English, Hindi
- Religion Hindu
- Cast:
- Location: , California, USA
- Life Style: Modern
- Culture: North Indian
- Education: Masters
- Occupation:Consultant
- Contact #: Visible to Paid member
Hello, I'm a biotech executive well settled in the Silicon Valley. My family came to the US in the mid 70s so I was pretty much raised in Northern California and have remained here ever since. I have a wonderful son who is off to college now. I enjoy an active lifestyle filled with travel, exercise, spending time with friends and exploring the amazing area I live in. Some of my hobbies include road cycling, traveling, reading, cooking and trying new things. I'm a social, happy, well adjusted person who enjoys open conversation and connecting with people. Would love to meet someone with a similar mindset to build a friendship and long term relationship with. Some qualities I find attractive in a guy include a liberal outlook, educated with an intellectual curiosity to continue learning, a kind and compassionate nature, a great sense of humor, confidence, strong communication skills , and a sense of adventure. Also, seeking someone on the west coast as it's important to spend time together to build a relationship.


Do not drink

Do not smoke

Fair, Average

Hindu ,

English, Hindi

, California




will tell you later
Upper Middle Class
No | Yes
1 | 0
1 | None
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