Profile created by | SelfProfile No - SH006748994
- Age: 44yrs.
- Height: 5ft 10inc - 177cms
- Marital Status: Widowed
- Citizenship: Tell you later
- Income: will tell you later
- Language:
- Religion Hindu
- Cast:
- Location: , North Carolina, USA
- Life Style:
- Culture:
- Education: Masters
- Occupation:Others
- Contact #: Visible to Paid member
I am a very happy, fun, caring and loving person who is also very grateful and energetic. I am a very adventurous person who likes to learn new things everyday. Fashion is my passion and I live by the saying “ Dress like you should be addressed “ I e from a small family but very loving people as well with big hearts. I love traveling, long drives sometimes to no where, music, movies, paintings and more fun and educational activities that sure brings smiles to the face. My goals in life will nothing more but to be happy forever. Looking for my better half and hope this journey bees one I will give testimony about… can’t wait to see how this adventure unfolds. Thanks to whoever


Do not drink

Do not smoke

Fair, Average

Hindu ,


North Carolina




will tell you later
Family Status
Upper Middle Class
Upper Middle Class
I live with
With My Family
With My Family
Father|Mother alive?
Brothers|Sisters :
Married Brothers|Sisters
None | None
None | None
Language Matrimonials
- Hindi Matrimony
- Urdu Matrimony
- Bengali Matrimony
- Bihari Matrimony
- Gujarati Matrimony
- Kannada Matrimony
- Malayalam Matrimony
- Marathi Matrimony
- Punjabi Matrimony
- Sindhi Matrimony
- Tamil Matrimony
- Telugu Matrimony
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Religion Matrimonials
- Hindu Matrimony
- Muslim Matrimony
- Christian Matrimony
- Sikh Matrimony
- Buddhist Matrimony
- Jain Matrimony
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States Matrimonials
- California Matrimony
- Florida Matrimony
- Illinois Matrimony
- New York Matrimony
- Pennsylvania Matrimony
- Texas Matrimony
- Virginia Matrimony
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